Creative Direction
Location scouting

The first Step IS a FITTING. The MIDDLE step is a shoot. THE FINAL STEP IS A DECLARATION.
Lil Sto is a new retail storefront that seeks to build on community and show that it can produce in an environment that doesn’t leave its patrons overlooked or underserved.
The initial fitting had to take place in the store for sourcing and film tests. The shots produced from it were to be test the waters for content reception and planting a flag to start building engagement habits.
Iconic and perserverant, the Willard Hotel was chosen as a location because its history in DC is aspirational. It is a fixture and one of the city’s best examples of luxury accommodations. The intentional clash of street wear and timeless maximalism allows for two conversations to happen simultaneously. The first being, “A new era is pervading the chronically stuffy side of the city it occupies.” The second, “A necessary conversation of DC natives occupying a space they might otherwise be unfamiliar with while looking fly as fuck.”
When it comes to the clothing at Lil Sto, it’s filled with bright colors and interesting silhouettes. Showcasing too much of the unfamiliar robs people of discovery upon visiting. Instead, the direction for the look was to showcase slight variations of what people could be used to seeing on their explore page; showcase things that people have come to comfortably wear so that they know there’s something for everyone.